Maximizing Business Success Through Customer Reviews and Selective Clientele

Owning a successful landscaping business takes more than just having skilled workers and a strong work ethic. In a recent episode of the Kid Contractor podcast, Auman Landscape owner Brittany mentioned two factors that have helped her and her husband Caleb’s 7-figure landscaping company thrive: customer reviews and selective client screening.


Brittany shares how she has recently started asking their clients to leave reviews on Google, and the positive feedback Auman landscape is already increasing. Customers mention how Auman employees treat their property like their own, don't leave any trash behind, and quickly address any issues that arise during the project.


But Brittany mentions the success of the business also relies on an owners ability to select the right clients. While she can't guarantee that every client will be easy to work with, Brittany has a keen sense for picking up on red flags during the initial consultation. Whether it's the way they interact...

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How One Man Built a Media Empire Focused on the Dirt World

aaron witt buildwitt Mar 03, 2023

In a recent episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast, Caleb interviewed Aaron Witt, the founder of BuildWitt, a media company focused on the heavy civil and mining industries. Witt shared his story of how he got into the industry and how he built his company from scratch. 

Growing up in a white-collar family, Aaron had no exposure to the blue-collar world of construction and heavy equipment. But he always had a fascination with bulldozers and other equipment that moved dirt. So at 18 years old, he cold-called the owner of a construction company in his neighborhood and asked for a job. He started right out of high school, not knowing what he was doing, but he fell in love with the industry and knew it was where he wanted to be.

Aaron went on to get an engineering degree and worked for five different heavy civil contractors while in college. After graduating, he went into road building with the goal of owning his own construction company. Then eventually, Aaron started...

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Finding Fulfillment in Entrepreneurship: The Story of Eikenbary Landscape

business entrepreneurship Feb 27, 2023

Brett is the owner of Eikenbary Landscape. His journey to entrepreneurship is one that is familiar to many. The desire to pursue one's passion, to find fulfillment in one's work, and to make a difference in the world are all powerful motivators that can drive people to take risks and pursue their dreams.

Brett had been working at a good company, with a steady job and good benefits, but he wasn't getting fulfilled. He had always been passionate about lawn and landscape, and slowly started to learn more about hardscapes as well. After discussing it with his wife Chase, they finally decided to take the leap and start their own business. The decision to start a business is never an easy one. It requires careful planning, a solid strategy, and a lot of hard work. Brett and Chase knew that if they were going to do it, they wanted to do it right. They spent a lot of time thinking about the branding and vision of their business, and when they finally set a launch date, they went...

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The Pros and Cons of Using a Service Body Truck for Your Business

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2023

As a business owner, finding the right type of vehicle to meet your needs can be a challenge. You want something that is functional, organized, and can handle the demands of your job. One option often considered is a service body truck. These trucks are designed to provide ample storage space for tools and equipment, making them a popular choice for those in the trades. But is a service body truck right for your business?

On a recent episode of The Kid Contractor Podcast, Caleb talked with guest Jeremiah Jennings about his own experience with a service body truck. He acknowledged that service body trucks may not be the most aesthetically pleasing option, but they make up for it in functionality. The built-in toolboxes and compartments provide ample storage space for all of your equipment, making it easy to stay organized and efficient on the job.

However, he also pointed out that a service body truck may not be the best choice for every business. Depending on your needs, a...

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Revolutionizing the Fence Industry: Driving Into The Future

During a recent episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast, guest Dan Wheeler shared his experience in the fence industry and discusses the revolutionary technique that is changing the industry - the driving post technique.

Dan shares how his company, River City Fence, had their best year yet due to their increased efficiency and optimization. He attributes this success to learning from other experts in the field, including those on social media, and implementing their techniques. One of the techniques that has made a significant impact on their business is the driving post technique.

Dan explains that in areas where concrete frosting heave is an issue, such as up north, driving posts has been a proven and reliable technique for over 65 years. However, it was not widely known until recently when a fence company manager started sharing their techniques on social media. The driving post technique involves driving a post anywhere from 5-20 feet into the ground using a core...

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The Importance of Safety Equipment in Landscaping

Landscaping might seem like a harmless job, but accidents can happen at any time. Whether it's a small injury or a major incident, it's important to be prepared for any situation. This is why having the proper safety equipment is crucial. In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of safety equipment in landscaping based on a true story shared by landscaping professional, John Pajak on Kid Contractor Podcast episode #312.


In 2016, John had a brand new lawnmower with a Kohler engine. While doing leaf cleanup, leaves started piling up on top of the horizontally mounted muffler. This led to a fire breaking out, but fortunately, John had recently purchased new fire extinguishers and was able to put out the fire before it caused any serious damage. John realized the importance of having the right safety equipment readily available and easily accessible.


This incident is just one example of the need for lawn care professionals to have basic safety equipment such as...

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Pivoting for Success: Noah's IT Business Model Shift

In a recent podcast episode, Caleb was joined by his brother, Noah Auman. Noah is the owner of an IT support business and in this conversation, he shared what it's been like navigating the big shifts in his business over the last 12 months. He also revealed that he has made some significant changes to his business model by cutting out the residential walk-in storefront and focusing more on commercial clients. Despite these changes, Noah shared that his business is now stable and the shift has been successful.

Noah's story highlights the challenges that many small business owners face in navigating uncertain times. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to rethink their operations and adapt to new realities. Noah's decision to pivot his business model and focus more on commercial clients is a prime example of the type of bold action that is necessary for business survival.

As Noah mentioned, his company is still doing some light residential work for...

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Setting goals to achieve success

Setting goals is an important part of achieving success in any aspect of life. Whether you are looking to grow your business or improve your personal life, setting clear and achievable goals is the key to making progress. In a recent podcast episode, Caleb and Brittany discuss the importance of setting one, two, and five-year goals personally, financially, and for the company.

At first, the conversation was a bit heated because Brittany was not confident in the goal they had set for themselves. Caleb reminded her that a goal must be something that you are passionate about and confident in achieving. This led to a decision to set a specific date to discuss and set their goals.

Caleb and Brittany discuss the importance of setting a timeline for achieving your goals. Whether it is a meeting with a client or a date with your spouse, putting it on the calendar ensures that it will happen. This also applies to achieving your goals. Setting a specific date for achieving your...

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Twin Entrepreneurs at 18: The Story of a Commercial Maintenance Company

Starting a business at a young age can be challenging, but for two 18-year-old twins, it's a story of determination and hard work. These young entrepreneurs run a successful commercial maintenance company that offers services ranging from landscaping to snow removal. With a team of two crews, they manage to maintain 200 properties and remove snow from 70 accounts every week.

The company started as a summer job to make some extra money, but it quickly escalated into a full-fledged business venture. The twins didn't come from a wealthy family and wanted to finance their own activities and entertainment, so they started working and saved their earnings. As the business grew, they realized the potential and decided to keep it going.

Word of mouth played a significant role in the growth of the business, and in the past six months, Google has also helped with local marketing and attracting new customers. With their hard work and determination, the twins have managed to make a name for...

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Most Memorable moments from our dream shop build

Building a shop or any type of property can be an exciting and exhilarating process. From the first moment of breaking ground to the final touches, every step of the way holds its own unique moments of excitement. For those who are passionate about building and construction, the whole process can be an adventure.

For Brittany, the coolest thing about building a shop was the moment when they drilled holes for the building and put the posts in place. This was the moment when they could get a feel for the size of the building and see it starting to take shape. Another memorable moment was putting the mailbox in and making it feel like the property was truly theirs. The mailbox, while small, was a symbol of ownership and a personal touch that made the building feel like a home.

Another exciting moment was when the offices were framed out, even before the drywall was installed. This was a chance to see where their desk would go and imagine what the final product would look like. For...

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