Chasing Dreams Down Under

zach taylor May 09, 2024

I was excited to have Zach Taylor back on the podcast again today. Zach is always such a pleasure to talk to - he's got a great sense of humor and an incredible work ethic. I love hearing about all the adventures he gets himself into! This time, Zach shared about an amazing trip he took to visit our friend Jimmy Starbuck in Australia. I couldn't believe the details of Zach's 24 hour travel day just to get there - over 23 hours on planes from Boston to Melbourne. But he said it was all worth it to spend time with Jimmy and see the operations at Starbuck Excavation firsthand. Zach gave us a glimpse into Australian culture and the differences he experienced. From driving on the opposite side of the road to enjoying new foods, Zach took it all in stride. I was surprised to learn that Australia isn't nearly as dangerous as the memes make it out to be! Zach didn't encounter any deadly animals on his trip. It was fascinating to hear about Jimmy's multi-million dollar plant hire business. I...

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