Project Management Tools That Work! with Andy Mulder


I'm always eager to learn from successful business owners in the green industry. In our latest episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Andy Mulder, the owner of Mulder Outdoors, a thriving landscaping company in Indiana. Andy's story is one of perseverance, strategic thinking, and a relentless drive to build something great. Over the course of our conversation, he shared insights that any entrepreneur can learn from. One of the key takeaways was Andy's approach to building his new facility. Rather than trying to manage the entire construction project himself, he made the conscious decision to hire a general contractor. As he explained, his priority needs to be running the core landscaping business - not getting bogged down in the details of building a new shop. This resonated with me, as I've seen firsthand how easy it is for business owners to get distracted by shiny new projects, only to see their main revenue streams suffer as a result. Andy recognized that his time...

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