Skin Cancer Scares Leads to Renewed Focus on Self-Care

A few years ago, I started noticing some concerning changes on the left side of my face - tender spots that would become irritated, especially in the hot summer sun. After ignoring it for a while, I finally listened to my wife Brittany's urging and went to see a dermatologist. That's when I learned I had developed pre-cancerous skin lesions, likely due to decades of working outdoors without proper sun protection. Brittany has also had to get skin cancer removed, which she discusses in episode #517 of the Kid Contractor Podcast. The doctor's diagnosis was a real wake-up call. I realized that the tough, "macho" approach I had taken to my skin health over the years could have serious consequences down the line. That's when I made a commitment to be more proactive about protecting myself, whether it was wearing long sleeves, wide-brimmed hats, or diligently applying sunscreen. In sharing this experience on the podcast, my goal is to encourage others in our industry to prioritize their own health and safety. Skin cancer may not be the most glamorous topic, but the statistics are alarming - 9,500 people are diagnosed every day, and two die from it every hour. The good news is that with early detection, the 5-year survival rate is 99%. So, my fellow contractors, landscapers, and hardscapers, I urge you to take a hard look at your own sun exposure habits. Schedule regular skin checks, invest in quality sun protection gear, and don't hesitate to seek medical attention if something seems off. Your family and your business depend on you being healthy and present for the long haul.

Listen to the full episode here!

Some photos from Brittanys Skin Cancer Removal.


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