I often find myself reflecting on the various lessons, insights, and ideas that I've gathered over the years through my own experiences in the industry as well as from the educational events and resources I've had the privilege to engage with. In episode 568, I decided to open up my notebook and share some of these notes and thoughts with my listeners. I know that not everyone enjoys these types of "note dump" episodes, but for me, it's a way to process and distill the key takeaways that have impacted my own mindset and approach to running a successful landscaping business. And I hope that by sharing these reflections, I can provide some valuable perspective and inspiration to others in the green industry. One of the core themes that emerged was the importance of truly understanding and focusing on our clients' problems and needs, rather than just promoting our own capabilities and experience. As I discussed the lessons from the book Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller, I emphasized the idea of making our clients the "hero" of the story, with us as the "guide" who helps them overcome their challenges. I also talked about the importance of having a clear, step-by-step process that we can walk our clients through, similar to the debt-reduction plan laid out by Dave Ramsey. By outlining the plan and vision upfront, we can better manage client expectations and demonstrate the value we bring as their partner in transforming their outdoor spaces. Another key point I touched on was the need to stay relevant and up-to-date with industry trends and best practices, rather than relying solely on our past experience. Just because we've "been doing this for 20 years" doesn't mean our methods and approach are still the most effective. We have to continuously evolve and adapt to the changing landscape. Throughout the episode, I also shared some random musings and ideas - from the "broken ruler" dream I had to the potential of sending a "sympathy card" to clients who don't hire us. While these may have seemed a bit off-the-wall, I find that allowing my mind to wander and make unexpected connections can often lead to fresh perspectives and creative solutions. Ultimately, my goal with this episode was to provide a glimpse into the inner workings of my own thought process as a business owner and industry leader. I hope that by sharing these notes and reflections, I can inspire others to take a step back, examine their own experiences and learnings, and find new ways to elevate their companies and better serve their clients.
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