Lessons in Love, Respect, and Keeping Your Eye on the Ball

business communication Sep 03, 2024

In our latest episode, I had the chance to dive into some deep topics that have been weighing heavily on my mind lately. The discussion started with a reference to a class that my wife Brittany attended a while back on the concepts of love and respect in relationships. The core idea is that men inherently crave respect from their partners, while women need to feel loved. When we get that dynamic wrong, it can send a relationship into a downward spiral. This really hit home for me, as Brittany and I have been going through a bit of a tense period in our marriage recently. We've both been so focused on the demands of work and keeping our business running smoothly that we haven't always been as present and attentive with each other as we should be. It's a good reminder that no matter how much is on our plates, we have to keep our priorities straight and make sure we're nurturing our most important relationship. The conversation then shifted to the role that money and material possessions can play in revealing someone's true character. Whether it's the stress of financial struggles or the trappings of wealth, these external factors have a way of bringing out the best or worst in people. I shared some of my own experiences with this, and how I've learned to let go of the financial worries when things go wrong on a job site, rather than letting it consume me. Ultimately, this episode was a much-needed gut check for me. I reflected on how fortunate I've been in life, with the skills and knowledge that my dad passed down to me. But I also acknowledged how I've sometimes taken those blessings for granted and allowed myself to get distracted or overwhelmed. The wisdom of thinkers like Marcus Aurelius and the timeless teachings of the Bible serve as important guideposts for me. They remind me to stay focused on what's truly essential, to be patient and joyful even in difficult times, and to always keep my priorities in order. As I continue on this journey of entrepreneurship and marriage, I know there will be plenty more ups and downs. But episodes like this one help me re-center and recommit to being the best version of myself - for my family, my business, and everyone I have the privilege of connecting with through this show.


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