Staying Focused on What Matters Most

business landscaping Sep 16, 2024

In our latest episode, I had the privilege of sitting down with Ken Deemer, the co-founder of Local Roots and FRWRD Coaching. Ken's story is truly inspiring. Over the past 11 years, he and his business partner Patrick have grown Local Roots into a $9.5 million landscaping and hardscaping company. But the truly remarkable part is how they've done it - by keeping their focus on their personal goals and values, not just the bottom line. Through Forward Coaching, Ken works with other entrepreneurs in the green industry to help them achieve the same kind of balance. It's all about getting clear on your true aims in life, and then aligning your business decisions to support those aims. As Ken put it, it's easy to get distracted by the "shiny objects" of business growth, but the key is maintaining that higher-level perspective. One of the things that really struck me was Ken's willingness to say no to certain opportunities that didn't fit his vision. He talked about how they made the tough decision to step away from residential maintenance work in order to focus on the more scalable commercial side of the business. It would have been easy to keep chasing that revenue, but Ken and Patrick knew it wasn't the right long-term path for them. That kind of discipline and self-awareness is so crucial, but it's also incredibly difficult to maintain, especially as an entrepreneur. It would have been easy for Ken to get caught up in the allure of rapid growth and expansion. But instead, he's stayed true to his principles, and built a business and a life that he's truly proud of. If there's one key takeaway from my conversation with Ken, it's the importance of that self-awareness. Too often, we get tunnel vision when it comes to our businesses, and we lose sight of the bigger picture. But Ken's story shows that it's possible to build something truly remarkable while also preserving what's most important - your relationships, your health, and your sense of purpose. It was an honor to have Ken on the show, and I know his insights are going to be invaluable for anyone looking to grow a business without sacrificing their personal life. If you're feeling pulled in a million different directions, I'd encourage you to give this episode a listen. Ken's wisdom just might be the wake-up call you need to get back on track. Listen to the full episode here!


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