Get Your Priorities Straight

In today's episode of the kid Contractor podcast, I went live on instagram and had some great interaction with our followers. One of the key topics we dove into was the importance of minimizing material waste. As anyone in the green industry knows, it's all too easy for a boneyard of leftover supplies to accumulate, eating up valuable space and resources. I shared some of the strategies we've implemented at Auman HQ, from being diligent about returning materials to vendors to finding creative ways to repurpose or donate excess. We also explored the benefits of outsourcing material delivery versus having our team handle pickups. By crunching the numbers, it became clear that the cost savings and time efficiency of professional delivery far outweighed the alternative. We also touched on our beloved "Vibe Patio" - the outdoor oasis we've created at our headquarters to showcase the power of thoughtful design and functionality. I explained how this space serves as a living, breathing example for our clients, allowing them to truly experience the difference a well-crafted hardscape can make. As the live broadcast wrapped up, I was struck by the energy and engagement of our audience. This wasn't just a one-way lecture; it was a dynamic, interactive exchange of ideas and insights that left me energized and inspired. Listen to the full episode here!


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