Lessons from a Vivid Dream

entrepreneurship Oct 18, 2024

In our latest episode, I found myself reflecting on a vivid dream I had recently, and the powerful lessons it holds for anyone facing challenges in their business or personal life. The dream began with a monstrous, terrifying creature chasing me. In that moment of fear and adrenaline, I made the decision to turn and run straight at the creature, rather than flee. To my surprise, as we were about to collide, the creature simply vanished into thin air. This dream got me thinking about the principle of facing your fears head-on, rather than avoiding them. So often in life, we're tempted to put off difficult tasks, shy away from confrontation, or let our anxieties paralyze us. But as I shared on the podcast, that's usually the worst thing we can do. Whether it's a tough conversation with a client, a daunting new project, or any other obstacle, the best approach is often to square your shoulders, take a deep breath, and charge straight into it. More often than not, the thing we're dreading the most ends up being far less scary than we imagined. Of course, that's easier said than done. Facing our fears requires immense courage and self-discipline. But the rewards can be transformative, both in our businesses and our personal lives. In another dream I recounted, I was defending my home from two menacing lions. My first instinct was to grab a rifle, rather than seeking divine guidance and protection. This reflection led me to an important realization: when we're confronted with challenges, our default should be to turn to our higher power, not just earthly solutions. As business owners and leaders, it's crucial that we develop that spiritual fortitude alongside our practical skills. The most successful and fulfilled entrepreneurs I know are those who have learned to balance their relentless drive with a deep well of faith, wisdom, and self-awareness. So if you find yourself facing a daunting obstacle, whether in your work or your personal life, I encourage you to take a page from my dream journal. Summon your courage, square your shoulders, and charge straight into the fray. You may just be surprised by how quickly that monster vanishes. And don't forget to seek guidance from a higher power along the way. It's that combination of grit and grace that will see you through to the other side.


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