Entrepreneurial Wisdom that Fuels Our Approach

entrepreneurship Aug 12, 2024

As my wife Brittany and I continue to navigate the ups and downs of running a successful contracting business, I find myself constantly seeking out wisdom and inspiration from other entrepreneurs who have been in our shoes. In our latest episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast, I had the chance to share some of the most thought-provoking soundbites I've come across recently - insights that have really struck a chord and helped shape our mindset and approach. One quote that has stuck with me is from Elon Musk, who described starting a company as "staring into the abyss and eating glass." That sentiment really captures the rollercoaster of emotions we've experienced - the exhilarating highs of landing a big project or seeing our team excel, but also the constant stress of facing potential failure and having to tackle the most difficult, unpleasant problems in the business. Musk's words reminded me of the importance of having a high pain tolerance and feeling truly compelled to do this work, because it's certainly not always "fun." But it's that sense of purpose and drive that keeps us going, even when the challenges feel overwhelming. I also reflected on the advice from author and entrepreneur Alex Hormozi, who talked about the importance of being willing to be exceptional at something - to become a true outlier in your field. That really resonates with me, as someone who has dedicated the past 25 years to constantly expanding my knowledge and expertise in landscape construction and design. Being exceptional often means making sacrifices and facing the reality that you may drift apart from certain friend groups. But as Hormozi said, "you're actually not in group or out of group. You're transitioning." And it's in that lonely, in-between space where you can do your most impactful work. Of course, I know it's crucial to maintain balance and not let my passion completely consume me at the expense of my relationships and overall well-being. That's why Brittany and I are always working on aligning our values, whether it's how we spend our evenings or how we celebrate the wins in our business. Sharing these entrepreneurial insights with our listeners is so meaningful to me, because I know how transformative they've been in shaping our journey. I hope they inspire you to fearlessly pursue greatness in your own life and business, while also staying grounded in what truly matters most.


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