Our First Investment Property!

I'm excited to share that Brittany and I just made our first investment property purchase outside of our commercial shop. We've had our eye on acquiring an industrial zoned parcel for a couple years now, waiting for the right opportunity. Well, that opportunity finally came up when a neighboring landowner approached us about buying the one acre lot next to our shop. It's been overgrown for a while, but I can already envision the potential once we get it cleaned up. The property is perfectly situated for a laydown yard rental, giving local contractors a place to store equipment and materials. While it's a relatively small investment for now at just one acre, this represents an important step for our business. We're always looking for ways to diversify our revenue streams beyond just construction projects. Renting out this space will provide another source of passive income as our customer base continues to grow. It also feels good to check another goal off our vision board. Brittany handled closing the deal while I was on a job site. Her dedication to making our dreams a reality is inspiring. I can't wait to get the bush hog out and start transforming this lot into a valuable asset. Stay tuned for updates on the property improvements. Our plan is to maximize the rental potential as efficiently as possible. Who knows, if it proves successful maybe we'll start acquiring additional land parcels. For now, we're celebrating this small win that moves us closer to our big picture goals. Exciting things ahead!


50% Complete

Two Step

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