Contractors Nationwide Discuss Economic Trends Across America

kid contractor podcast Jul 23, 2024

In our latest episode of Kid Contractor podcast, we had the opportunity to connect with contractors in different regions to get their take on the current economic conditions and trends impacting their businesses. From the Pacific Northwest to the Midwest, these industry professionals shared valuable insights that go beyond just their local markets. Jadon Wise of Arbor Care Lawn and Pest Control in Washington State discussed the incredible growth his company has experienced over the past few years, particularly in their tree care services. He attributed this surge in demand to people spending more time at home during the pandemic and investing in their properties. Meanwhile, Dylan Stevenson of a landscape design firm in Ohio shared his experience rebranding his company to better align with their core focus on design and installation work. Hearing these diverse viewpoints really underscores the complexity of the current economic landscape for contractors. While some regions and specialties may be thriving, others are facing unique obstacles like labor shortages or regulatory changes. By tapping into this cross-section of the industry, our listeners gain a more holistic understanding of the opportunities and obstacles contractors are navigating nationwide. Listen to the full episode here


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