Caleb and Brittany Share Their Story (Part 1)

On the latest episode of the Kid Contractor Podcast, Caleb and Brittany Auman re-released episode 100 where they shared the story of how Caleb started his lawn care and landscaping business many years ago.

Caleb recounted his early days working for a neighbor's lawn care company after school and on weekends. Though he enjoyed the work, he wanted to be his own boss. With a loan from his grandmother, he purchased a trailer and started his first year of business with just a mower, trimmer and blower.

In the beginning, Caleb admittedly underpriced many of his jobs as he was learning the ropes of running a business. But he gained experience and worked hard, taking on any job he could. One of his first larger projects was planting several trees for a client.

Caleb shared how he was inspired to get more into landscape construction after building his first retaining wall. He went on to enroll in the design/build program at Columbus State Community College to further his skills.

It was fascinating to hear Caleb reminisce about the humble beginnings of his now very successful business. The podcast gave great insight into what it takes to start from nothing and build a career in the green industry. 


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